Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Of Daughters and Fathers

My Twenty year old daughter, Krysta, lives on her own (with a boyfriend) out in New Mexico. She called last night to ask for my advice on finding a job. I gave her what advice that I could and told her that with the national economy what it is right now that it is going to be difficult for an undereducated twenty something to find any kind of gainful employment; employers, now, have larger applicant pools to hire from and they can pick and choose their new hires to suit their companies needs, also they are going to hire a more mature person over someone who has not had time to develop a stronger work-ethic. This is the way of the world.

What is a father to do? The daddy-voice in my head says to tell her to come home and live under my roof and not worry about this now and come be safe. But. The daddy-voice knows that the daughter is not going to do that and since she has been on her own since she was Seventeen and it knows that she would not give up the freedom willingly; no matter what the circumstances are now.

I am very proud of my daughter.

I love my daughter and want what is best for her but I know that I can not live her life for her. What I can do is pray for her and take my concern for her to the throne room of the universe and bring them before my Heavenly Father.

Our Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning and His will controls the outcome of every interaction of our lives. When we pray to Him with our requests, He hears them and we always get an answer. Always. Remember that 'No' is an answer too. Our prayer is an action of coming into alignment with His will. His will in action in our lives is what we want most.

I will pray for my daughter and let the Lord work out the details. What I can also do is send her a little money to help her out with gas and necessities or whatever she needs most and remind her to pray too.

14Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 15See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. 16Rejoice evermore. 17Pray without ceasing. 18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:14-18, King James Version)

Audio of the day: Dr. Chuck Missler and part Four of Twenty-two in his study of the Book of John.

Study #4 - John Chapter Four (14.18MB MP3)

This collection of audio is from the 1990's and is not the most recent series of studies in this book. You can find the most recent recordings for sale at Dr. Missler's website Khouse.org. The audio that I am offering can be found at Firefighters For Christ free of charge.

1 comment:

Spitfire said...

Mr. Willis,
Nice post. I'm sorry about the problems with your daughter. We have a foster son that presents us with a similar situation....only calls when he wants something, never any concern for any trouble he may be causing us, it's always about him and what he wants. It breaks my heart. I also pray without ceasing for him and try to remind him that he can't fly on my faith....he's got to have his own faith. It appears it all falls on deaf ears....but I cling to Isaiah 53:14 "and Adonai Himself will teach your children, and great will be their peace."
You keep praying my friend, and loving Krysta. Papa WILL take care of the rest. And in the end, it'll work out. I'll pray she can find a job...and her heavenly Father. Shalom, Spitfire